Backyard tiger mosquito control
Refer a neighbor! Save money and at the same time expand your mosquito control zone!

The BG-Home is a trap specifically designed for indoors

Biogents mosquito trap “BG-Home” is a trap for indoor use that targets mosquitoes that enter and rest in the house.

The trap is especially attractive to the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) and the yellow fever (or dengue) mosquito (Aedes aegypti), both of which are not only annoying but can also carry life threatening diseases. Asian tiger and yellow fever mosquitoes are predominantly found in subtropical and tropical countries where they can transmit diseases like dengue fever, chikungunya, or Zika. In the US, they are invasive species that have become significant pests and potential disease vectors throughout much of the southern half of the United States from California to New York.

Additionally, the trap can also attract other indoor pest insects found in your home.

  • For indoors
  • Targets tiger mosquitoes and other flying insects
  • Mosquitoes die by dehydration
  • Easy to handle

Patented technology

The trap’s capture method is based on the same patented capture technology of all Biogents suction traps:

Biogents suction traps were designed to simulate a human being: A patented combination of attractive visual signals and an air plume mimicking convection currents created by a human body.

Additionally, inside the BG-Home, a heated surface at body temperature provides an additional attractive stimulus for the mosquitoes. A  UV light attracts additional pest insects.

Last but not least, to a mosquito, the black color of the trap is also visually attractive.

Approaching mosquitoes are lured closer by all these attractive cues and are then captured and deposited into the base of the trap where they dehydrate.

A transparent window allows you to monitor the catch and indicates when it is time to empty the trap.

Worldwide distribution of tiger mosquitoes Aedes albopictus, Aedes aegypti, and Aedes polynesiensis
Worldwide distribution of tiger mosquitoes Aedes albopictus, Aedes aegypti, and Aedes polynesiensis

The placement of the mosquito trap is an important factor to ensure high catch rates. Generally, it is recommended to place the trap indoors near mosquito hiding places such as plants. Also, do not hide the trap, place it not too high (not more than 1 meter above the ground ). It is  best to test different locations!


For efficient and sustainable mosquito control, it is necessary to continuously operate the trap.

If the traps are correctly positioned and run continuously throughout the season, they can decrease the mosquito nuisance, and you can enjoy your home again free from the mosquitoes and their buzz.


  • Standing trap made of sturdy material
  • A transparent window which allows to see the catch
  • Does not require carbon dioxide, propane, butane, or other flammable gases
  • Requires little care and maintenance
  • Diameter 19 cm
  • Low power consumption: ~ 10 W


Placement of traps diminishes the local mosquito population when

  • correctly positioned
  • continuously operated (24 hours for a number of weeks)
  • kept visible to the mosquitoes / placed unhidden
  • placed not more than 1 meter above the ground
  • regularly cleared from dust

The Biogents trap system – stronger together

Biogents Trap System

Biogents recommends to use the BG-Home in combination with the outdoor traps (BG-Mosquitaire and BG-GAT trap). Both outdoor traps complement each other in an ideal way since they target tiger mosquitoes of different stages.

The complete Biogents trap system is available here >

If you are mainly bothered by mosquitoes other than tiger mosquitoes, e.g., house or flood water mosquitoes, we recommend to exclusively use the BG-Mosquitaire trap in combination with CO2 and the BG-Booster CO2 outdoors.

Ordering and Prices

If you are located in the US, the traps can be ordered fast and conveniently in our US webshop.

Biogents US webshop

If you are located outside the EU or the US, please order via e-mail or fax:
fax: +49 941 569 921 68

or consult our distributors.

Prices can be found in the US webshop.