Backyard tiger mosquito control

Further mosquito control measures

With a Biogents mosquito trap you have a very effective and persistent mosquito control tool in your garden. The catch rates of the trap, when operated continuously and positioned correctly, can be high enough that a reduction in biting pressure will be noticable after a few days.

The biting pressure remains low, because the captured mosquitoes cannot proliferate. The interception of mosquitoes interrupts the reproduction cycle, so that there will be 50-200 mosquitoes less per captured female. In comparable gardens without Biogents traps the mosquito population will continue to increase until the end of the mosquito season when colder weather stops their proliferation cycle.

In cases where the mosquito nuisance is generated by species like house mosquitoes, Asian tiger, or yellow fever mosquitoes that are well adapted to urban areas, you can increase the effectiveness of the Biogents traps with a few further mosquito control measures. Primarily, this involves reducing or eliminating mosquito breeding sites around the home. Even if mosquitoes are very good in finding hidden water sources, the following mosquito control measures can have an effect:

  • Cover your rain barrels and other water containers with a tight fitting lid or net to keep mosquitoes out. Be sure the containers are tightly covered, since mosquitoes will find even the smallest opening to access water and lay eggs.
  • Alternatively you can treat water holding containers regularly with a biological control agent such as B.t.i. (Bacillus thuringiensis israeliensis). This bacteria contains a specific protein that kills mosquito larvae when they ingest it. B.t.i. is harmless to vertebrates that drink the water, it is biodegradable and it is safe to use for watering garden plants. This product is available in several easy to use formulations from garden and home centers and from online retailers.
  • To avoid the accumulation of water, you should empty containers like saucers under flower pots, watering cans, and buckets. A warm summer enables the development of a mosquito population within one week in such water containers!
  • Pod saucers and similar containers with accumulating water can be filled with fine gravel to make them unsuited for oviposition.
  • Check gutters, pipes, and rain drains for blockages, and clean them if necessary.

Do not underestimate diseases which are transmitted by mosquitoes if you are traveling to tropical regions. Protect yourself against mosquitoes. Here you can find some information of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) with current data of disease spreading and tips for traveling >

With these six mosquito control measures you can support reducing mosquito bites:

Covering rain barrels – standing water such as in rain barrels, flower pots, water cans are ideal breeding sites for mosquitoes; therefore, they should be covered or regularly emptied. Additionally you can treat them with the biological mosquito control agent BTI, which kills mosquito larvae.

Mosquito suction traps – capture mosquitoes, and reduce the population. Mosquito suction traps work either with carbon dioxide (attractive for all mosquitoes) or without carbon dioxide (attractive for Asian tiger mosquitoes, yellow fever mosquitoes, and southern house mosquitoes), whereas traps that work with light attract many other insects – even beneficial ones.

Mosquito screens on doors and windows, and mosquito nets (bed nets) – prevent the invasion of mosquitoes in your house, and protect your sleeping area.

Mosquito repellents  – discourage mosquitoes from biting – many different products are available. See recommendations of the CDC here >

Long, light, and loose fitting clothing – mosquitoes avoid landing on bright areas. Certain manufacturers offer specially treated clothing that can prevent bites.

If applicable electric evaporators in rooms – only for short-term use and in regions with mosquitoes that transmit diseases, because their active components are insecticides (pyrethroids) that can cause irritations to sensitive persons or infants.